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Basic Scheme options
Gordon Thomson avatar
Written by Gordon Thomson
Updated over 6 months ago

The first tab within the Scheme Settings is where you can create your basic settings in SUMAC®.

Signup Link

Within Scheme Options, you'll find the link to your scheme's signup form. Click on the Copy button to copy the link to your clipboard, or click View to preview the form (opens in a new tab).

Scheme Options

Here you can add a logo, allowing you to adhere to your organisation's brand identity.

Click the upload button to upload your .jpg or .png file.

Below this there are a few other important options.

The Allow Signup toggle allows you to choose whether your scheme is open for users to sign up.

SUMAC® allows you to choose the labels you use for your members throughout the platform and you can set these here within Scheme Options.

The labels are set by default to Mentor, Mentee, and Mentor and Mentee for dual-role members. However, you can change these labels to anything that suits your scheme (Teacher/Teachee or Coach/Coachee for example) and these labels will be used throughout the platform.

Finally, you can choose what message to show to users when the scheme sign up is disabled. This is set by default to 'Scheme not currently enabled'. However you can change this to any message that suits your purposes (e.g. a more specific message such as Scheme reopening on the 21st of March).

Read our articles on Setting email options and Clearing and deleting schemes to continue setting up the basic settings for your scheme.

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